At The Round Table with Joel Solomon, Episode 5

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Reinventing Power, Purpose, & Capitalism Through the Clean Money Revolution
“We need to start to talk about money in ways that dethrone it and make it subject to human ethics and standards of love and decency.”
– Joel Solomon in The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose, and Capitalism

If Joel Solomon had to describe his job to you, he would tell you that he is a gardener. Not only the type that carefully tends to flowers and vegetables, however, Joel is the type of gardener who meticulously tends to people, seeking to bring out the best in them, hosting and empowering them to become the best version of themselves.

For the fifth episode of Round Table Dialogue, we’re speaking with our dear partner and friend Joel Solomon:

📌 Thursday, April 6th, 2023

📌 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST

📌 LinkedIn Live

Joel Solomon is a Founding Partner of Renewal Funds, Canada’s largest mission venture capital firm, with $240 million in assets under management. Investing in Organics and Environmental & Climate Technology in Canada and the United States, Renewal Funds is GIIRS-rated, a founding Canadian B Corp (voted “Best for the World” 5 times), a “1% for the Planet” member, and recognized by ImpactAssets as “Top 50 impact fund managers.” 

Joel is a 2021 Clean50 Canada “Lifetime Achievement” honoree, frequent public speaker, board member of the University of British Columbia, co-producer of the Just Economy Institute, and Chair Emeritus of Hollyhock, a lifelong leadership learning center on Cortes Island for progressive leaders engaging in peer-to-peer learning to catalyze a new wave of leadership. He sees human relationships with depth and skillfulness as essential ways we can learn together to generate useful wisdom and expressions of love, as a part of his legacy. 

Joel is also co-author of The Clean Money Revolution: Re-Inventing Power, Purpose & Capitalism, a call to action to know where your money is and what it is doing to whom, in what places, right now. He argues that society must move trillions of dollars from damage to regeneration. 

“Shared leadership is the power of multiple hearts and minds and experiences being included as much as possible in decision-making. I see human potential in everyone, across many cultures, classes, and professions, like a field of intelligence where there is room for many flowers to bloom,” he says.

We share with Joel the belief that sharing leadership, power, responsibility, and meaning is key to helping teams and organizations access the power of their collective wisdom. We deeply look forward to speaking with him and invite you to join us on LinkedIn for a conversation that is sure to uplift and inspire.

Two lucky listeners will also win a copy of Joel Solomon’s book, The Clean Money Revolution!

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