Global Round Table Leadership

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Ensemble Thinking : Hard-Won Wisdom & Real-World Practices to Bring Back to Your Teams

We have learned so much in 2022 about why it matters to have a work environment where everyone in the organization stays connected, motivated, and inspired by their work. This year we’ve witnessed and withstood so many workforce trends: from the normalization of the hybrid workplace (yes, Zoom calls are here to stay!) to The Great Resignation, to the impacts of inflation.2022 has proven that understanding and caring for your employees is critical for retention, and that employee satisfaction has a direct impact on your business’s bottom line

So how can executives and company leadership ensure that team development and staff happiness is not only on track, but stays that way for the long haul?

We’ve collected our favorite hard-won wisdom and real-world practices to offer your teams. They can be used as jumping-off points for dialogue and reflection and personal and group growth exercises. Take a look:

Team Development Practices

We all know that teamwork makes the dream work—but ensembles take us even further into a more inspired, harmonious, and productive workplace. While it may take time for these practices to become second nature, applying them regularly will contribute to both a personal and group sense of flow, overall high function, and excellence. 

Leadership Inspiration

Each month, we share stories of people across every kind of industry and discipline. Whose story resonates with you? How can you apply their wins and learnings to your leadership coaching and mentoring?

Business Model Innovation for the Real World

We believe that the genius is always in the room and that there’s a leader in every chair. Once you realize that your people ARE your business, it becomes obvious that there’s practical value in innovation management. Here are a few favorite real-world examples of our clients and partners experiencing cohesiveness in action: 

For more than 20+ years, we’ve guided the individual and collective transformation of companies, teams, and networks as they work to share leadership, power, meaning, and responsibility. Through our leadership training program, executive coaching services, and strategic consulting offerings, we have built our Shared Leadership Framework™ and our Shared Leadership Journey™ to help organizations withstand challenges and flourish in every circumstance. 
We invite you to join the conversation on LinkedIn and keep in touch with us via email in 2023 – we look forward to continuing to learn with you, sharing more stories of how teams just like yours are exploring and practicing new ways of working and relating together.